The kids had a chance to have some cousins stay for a week before school got started again. All were sad when Matthew and Megan had to leave, but plans are already in the works for the summer! Morgan, Matthew, Ethan, Megan, Owen and Peyton relaxing on the trampoline. Peyton, Megan and Morgan striking a pose. Looks like a shot from a Hollywood party from the 50's. The girls having fun with sidewalk chalk.
I guess it's only fitting that our fourth child goes to the emergency room twice in his first eighteen months due to injury since non of the other three have ever been (due to injury). This time Owen was at the wrong place at the wrong time when a neighbors bike fell and hit him on the head, so he is the now the only person I know to have their head supper glued shut. He didn't miss a step when he got home and all that's left now is a small scar... which can be cool depending on how the stories told.